Thursday, May 3, 2012


is my 30th birthday!  My friend Angela took me out for the mouth watering confection that is pictured above (Bacon Maple donut - imagine the Homer Simpson drool moment).  As we were talking about our milestone birthdays I mentioned that I'm happy where I am at this point in my life.  I realized how true it really was, especially when I think back to the way I "planned" my life.  I wanted to go to college - check.  I wanted my Master's degree before I married - check.  I wanted to get married - check.  Children were there too - double check.  I've learned a lot, mostly that life is what you make it.  If I spend all of my time focused on what is negative or what is eventually going to leave me empty - that's who I will become.  The other lesson I've learned is that God has great things for you.  I can't tell you the number of times that I've messed up my life, and at times, the lives of others.  Yet, God has handed me blessing after blessing.  That doesn't mean the rain doesn't fall; but He will be what I need when it storms.  So here's to 30 and the hope for another year full of great things!

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