There is so much we don't understand about food. I realize I say this and it seems crazy because food is simple, right? Not really. There is so much entangled in food purchase decisions, and there isn't time for it here. Long story short - I am hoping to take the month of October to attempt to cut out the processed food in my home. Why? 1. It has already opened up a new world of food variety for myself and my family. (I've traded in some "old" go to items for some "new.") 2. I am concerned by the amount of preservative, dyes, and chemicals that are present in our foods! 3. As if I need any other reason beyond this one: our kids! I'd love to give them what I can for a healthy start.
PLEASE NOTE: Every parent is different and I am NOT saying you are a bad parent if you eat processed foods! I've found that I have tons of questions and I'm looking for the answers by exploring some different options.
Want to know more about my upcoming month of madness? is a great place to get the full story! If you feel like you'd like to try this let me know - I'd love to have some friends along the way!